The Freyja Podcast | Season 2 Has Begun!

The Freyja Podcast | Season 2 Has Begun!

Hello Kootenay Babes and welcome to my podcast.

Yes, even I have a podcast. The podcast streams are endless today and my love and curiosity for them spilled over into creating one of my very own.

It all started when I invited Lindsay Day, a local clinical counsellor, on our Instagram LIVE feature to discuss pandemic fatigue back in February 2021. It was a huge success, the content was A+ but the ability to reach Kootenay women in this Freyja-verse was monumental for me. So I decided to run with it. Call it a passion project.

Instagram Live, however, is not the best format for that kind of thing. What I needed, was a podcast.

We all need something you can listen to while multitasking, something you can jump into or around in! No more talking heads.

I humbly went out last season and created 3 podcasts to make a Season 1. It was a learning curve, and Im still learning.

Season 1 is out, and Season 2 has just fired up and Im passionate about the ability to reach you all. Using my voice and digital social space to uplift others in my community- whatever that may look like. Sometimes it may just be for pure entertainment! As I type, 2 great episodes are out from Season 2 with more to come. 

The Freyja Podcast is only available on Spotify. Tap the image for the link.

Season 1


Season 2

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