A Special Thank You | Fall Event Success

SUCCESS 🎉 Thank you to all who bought a ticket to our Fall Event last Thursday ❤️ It was such a lovely night, it was amazing to see all your faces IRL!
We raised $402 for the UNICEF Give a Vax program from ticket proceeds. To date Freyja has donated $502 💉 to the program.
Our Fall Event, our customer appreciation night, was such a success you can be sure we will through another one before the end of the year.
Special thanks to my friends + staff for working the event. It meant the world to me to have you there for such a special night.
Winners from the draw:
Freyja Sweatsuit - K.Sims
$100 Freyja GC - S. Roughhead
$25 GC - T. Blankman
$25 GC - W. Hamilton
$25 GC - C. Chisholm
$25 GC - W. Howie
Winners have been notified.
Thank you again
-Chan 💋💋