Isolation HACKS with Chan

Isolation HACKS with Chan

Find yourself sick? At home in isolation?

I was there too! 

Deep breath, you got this! I have complied my best recommendations!

Scroll down!

Take this advice from my good friends and myself that have been through a week of sick and isolation.

Obviously this is not medical advice and is about staying sane and is aimed at those whose symptoms are mild and can be managed at home, please follow PHO guidance if your symptoms are severe!

Coming out the other side, looking back, these are our best recommendations:


1- Snacks are Key

Secure yourself good food and snacks. Get friends and fam to help you with this, and keep in mind you will want some good grazing foods along with all the soup.

I especially recommend pickled things. Tasty, crunchy, salty, good for the gut, and will help with digestion.

You can order many fantastic pickled items from the Local Store in Fernie and they will deliver to you! Handy!

Roasted garlic was another isolation fave.

Just roast a shit load of garlic on a sheet, pack up in the fridge and add these roasted cloves to basically everything all week.


2- Binge watch TV guilt-free

So you're fatigued and achey and don't want to do anything but pass the time? Get into a new show!

My isolation picks are:

  • Yellowjackets - Picture this, it's 1996 and a high school girl's soccer team makes it to nationals. They board a plane for nationals. But the place crashes in the Canadian wilderness and they are not found for 19 months. Some Lord of the Flies shit goes down. The series flashes from 1996 to present day with the 40 year old survivors. Christina Ricci, Juliette Lewis and more 90s stars.

 You've seen me posting about this already, but Yellowjackets has my heart. the finale is about to drop. So if you haven't got around to this yet - boom you have one hell of a binge coming up. 

Filmed entirely in Vancouver. By Showtime - On Crave Canada
  • Dopesick - Whhhyyyyyy aren't more people talking about this?! This show with Michael Keaton is about how the opioid crisis happened. True Story. On Disney+

3- Self-care your sinuses

Whether it's a hot shower or a bowl of hot water with a towel on top, steam yourself. Not only great to clear sinus area but great for the pores too, 

I boil water, add to a big mixing bowl, hang head over the bowl and put a towel over my head and bowl. Enjoy the steam for a few long minutes. Optional add a few drops of essential oil of your choice.


4- Stay Connected

Reach out and have some FaceTime dates. Call your mom. Check on your people!


5- Hydrate. Chug chug chug. Stay hydrated.


6- Lots of rest. Lots of kindness.

I leave you with a few tweets from the past week I loved. 
Chan xx



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